Wine Club

Are you?

Looking to expand your wine knowledge?

Fearful of making an expensive mistake?

Bored of always drinking the same wines?

If you can answer ‘yes‘ to any of these questions then you have come to the right place

Why Join?

Membership is free

There is no obligation to buy and no subscription commitment required

Access to great wines at competitive prices

Mark ups kept low keeping prices low

Quality wine from quality winemakers

No mass produced ‘generic’ labels found in many other wine clubs

Expand your wine knowledge and find your new favourite

Tastings notes and information on the wines included, along with food match recommendation ideas

How it works

We advertise a new mixed six case offer every two months

You choose if you want to buy and let us know, by phone or email.

Remember: you must be 18 to purchase alcohol, we request confirmation at time of ordering.  See T&Cs for more information

We send you an invoice with payment instructions.

Once payment is received, we will process the order

Your case is prepared, complete with tasting notes, food match recommendations and information on the wines

We let you know once your order is ready for delivery and a proposed delivery date


Our drivers may request ID (Driving Licence, PASS card or Passport) for proof of age as part of the Challenge 25 scheme we operate

What you get

The opportunity to buy a mixed six case of quality wines handpicked by us every two months

Each case contains six great value wines

A selection of white and red wines, with rosé, sparkling and fortified wines included (season dependant).

Everyday Wines (priced up to £12.99) as well as Premium Wines (priced £13 to £24.99).

With Super Premium and Fine wines included in our Festive Christmas Selection


Each case includes information on each wine – the producer, the grape and region, the production – explaining why the wine tastes like it does – and tasting notes including food match suggestions. 

If you want to learn more, just ask us, we are happy to provide more information on any of the wines we sell.

Your loyalty is important to us

Loyalty Scheme

Become a regular buyer and receive special offers and a free bottle of wine (with every 5th order).

Recommend a Friend

Receive a 10% discount off your next order if you recommend a friend (who then purchases).

Sign up now!

Download the wine club contact form, fill in your contact details and return the form to us at  No obligation, we will just let you know every time a new offer becomes available.


Most frequent questions and answers

Sign up to join the wine club and once we publish the details of the new offer you just need to let us know if you want to purchase. You can also subscribe to our blog to automatically receive email notifications. Please note, we don’t accept payments through our website, we will invoice you for payment.

No, the choice is yours. If you like the look of the wines in each wine club case, let us know.

Six.  Each wine club case is a mixed six offer – of different wines for you to try

Each case is handpicked specially to encourage a bit of experimentation but if you feel particularly strongly about a particular wine or grape, do let us know and we will do our best to accomodate you.  We value all feedback, so let us know once you’ve tasted them what you think. 

Absolutely, you are in charge.  Just let us know what works for you. Please note we only deliver to residential addresses. 

We can leave with a neighbour if requested.  Please note though all deliveries must be received by an adult of legal drinking age and we operate a challenge 25 policy.  See terms and conditions for more information.

No.  Prices are as advertised for the wine club selections. We offer free local deliveries, and for all other delivery locations across England and Wales it will be £8.99 (for up to 12 bottles). We can deliver to other UK destinations, for an additional cost which will be discussed at time of ordering.

We offer mixed six cases every two months.  But you are not restricted to one case, if you want to order more let us know.  Similarly, if you find your new favourite we can supply individual cases of those wines.

What our customers are saying about our Wine Club cases

I have started buying through The Wine Demystifier and so glad I have because what is great for me is that it has got me off just drinking my favourite, Sav Blanc all the time.....
A good selection of wines....The accompanying notes on each wine were comprehensive and helpful.
Phil & Sue